Sharples, Mike
First name(s): Mike
Last name(s): Sharples

Publications of Sharples, Mike
Sharples, Mike, Milrad, Marcelo, Arnedillo-Sánchez, Inmaculada and Vavoula, Giasemi, Big Issues in Mobile Learning, in: Technology Enhanced Learning: Principles and Products. Kaleidoscope Legacy Book, Springer, 2008

Sharples, Mike, Milrad, Marcelo, Arnedillo-Sánchez, Inmaculada and Vavoula, Giasemi, Mobile Learning: Small devices, Big Issues, in: Technology Enhanced Learning: Principles and Products, Springer, 2008

Sharples, Mike, Taylor, Josie and Vavoula, Giasemi, A theory of learning for the mobile age, in: The Sage Handbook of E-learning Research, pages 221--247, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2007

Issroff, Kim, Scanlon, Eileen and Jones, Ann, Affect And Mobile Technologies: Case Studies, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 18--21, Dublin Press, 2007
Taylor, Josie, Beyond Mobile Learning, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 7, Dublin Press, 2007
Divitini, Monica and Morken, Eli M., Collaborative Community-oriented Mobile Learning. A Position Statement, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 12--15, Dublin Press, 2007

Mwanza-Simwami, Daisy, Concepts And Methods For Investigating Learner Activities With Mobile Devices: An Activity Theory Perspective, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 24--15, Dublin Press, 2007
Voong, Michael, Contextual Cues: Aiding Wireless Multimedia Collaborative Learning, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 54--57, Dublin Press, 2007
Winters, Niall, Design Patterns For Mobile Learning, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 71--0, Dublin Press, 2007
Fibiger, Bo, From Broadcast To Podcast, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 16--17, Dublin Press, 2007
Järvelä, Sanna, Laru, Jari and Näykki, Piia, How People Collaborate To Learn In Different Contexts Scaffolded By The Mobile Tools, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 68--69, Dublin Press, 2007
Sharples, Mike, Introduction to Special Issue of JCAL on mobile learning (2007), in: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23:4(283--284)
Shao, Yinjuan, Crook, Charles and Kolevas, Boriaa, Motivating Learning Through The Community Of Mobile Blog, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 26--29, Dublin Press, 2007
Dettori, Giuliana, Narrative learning environments and mobile learning: a good relationship?, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 8--11, Dublin Press, 2007
Sprake, Juliet, Sensing Anomalies: An Exploration of Disorganisation and Disturbance as Productive Elements in Learning through Location, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 30--42, Dublin Press, 2007

Byrne, Peter and Tangney, Brendan, SMART - an application to support animation on mobile devices, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 66--67, Dublin Press, 2007
Verdejo, M. Felisa, Celorrio, Carlos, Lorenzo, Emilio J., Ruiz, Alberto and Sastre, Teresaa, Sustaining Learning Activity Flow in a Framework for Ubiquitous Learning, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 43--53, Dublin Press, 2007

Wishart, Jocelyn, The Seven 'C's - No, Eight - No Nine 'C's of M-Learning, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 58--63, Dublin Press, 2007
Beale, Russell, Ubiquitous learning or learn how to learn and you'll never have to learn anything again?, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 64--65, Dublin Press, 2007
Winters, Niall, What is mobile learning?, in: Big Issues in Mobile Learning, Learning Sciences Research Institute, pages 7--11, Kaleidoscope, 2007

Sharples, Mike, Learning As Conversation: Transforming Education in the Mobile Age, in: Conference on Seeing, Understanding, Learning in the Mobile Age, 2005

Lonsdale, Peter, Baber, C. and Sharples, Mike, A context awareness architecture for facilitating mobile learning, in: Learning with Mobile Devices: Research and Development, pages 79--85, Learning and Skills Development Agency, 2004
Sharples, Mike and Beale, Russell, A technical review of mobile computational devices (2003), in: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19:3(392--395)
Sharples, Mike, Disruptive Devices: Mobile Technology for Conversational Learning (2003), in: International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning, 12:5/6(504-520)
Sharples, Mike, Corlett, Dan and Westmancott, O., The design and implementation of a mobile learning resource (2002), in: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 6(220--234)
Sharples, Mike, The design of personal mobile technologies for lifelong learning (2000), in: Computers & Education, 34:3-4(177--193)